Frontier City

One day on the way to see my husband’s sister my husband and I were headed down I -35 , when we got close to the Britain Road  sign we passed by Frontier City amusement park.

 I looked at my husband and said wow that’s really changed hasn’t It?  I

remember when I was a kid and every summer frontier city was the highlight

 of my summer vacation. 

 he looked at me and he said “wow “ when I was a kid I used to go to frontier city all the time . I looked at him and said , well I didn’t actually go through the gates.

 what do you mean?  You  just said that was the highlight of your summer vacations when you were a kid .

No, I said it was the highlight I didn’t say I’ve ever been through the park gates before..

I said ,  every summer my mom would take some of us kids usually Robin Joel and myself because we were close in age to my grandma Chesney‘s house for two weeks to stay during summer vacation.  We always packed a nice little lunch my mom would make tunafish sandwiches which she cut in little squares and oatmeal cookies and somewhere along the Way we would stop for lunch .

We would go through Stillwater and then head down I -35 .

when we got close to Frontiers City  my mom would build it up by saying ,

get ready you’re going to see the flaming arrow and the big frontier city gates ,

 and they have pretend gunfights there and the biggest  Ferris wheel you’ll ever see.

We giggled with excitement.

As we got close she would say we’re getting closer now and all our little faces were pressed against the glass on the right side of the car in anticipation , and then we saw it . The magnificent arrow, the flaming arrow with smoke billowing above it.

everything as she described the big wooden frontier city gates .I could just imagine the pretend gun fights that went on there and to top it off the Ferris wheel huge in the sky it was awe inspiring .

After that we stopped by the road and ate our little lunches and then drove on to grandmas. It was the highlight of my summers.

 He was shocked he just looked at me and said that’s the saddest story I ever heard.

I can’t believe you’re actually saying you’ve never been to frontier city and even more

Shocked you considered that a vacation . He was quiet for a few moments and

He looked at me and said, know what , I’m gonna take you through those gates at Frontier City,  we’re gonna make a big weekend of it and I just looked at him and said “no thanks” .  I’ve already been and I had the best time of my life I’m not going to tarnish the memories.  we road  in silence the rest of the way to his sisters house .

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