Rhythmic Stories December 16, 2020

What’s in a Cowboy Hat

Cowboy hats come in all sizes and shapes
It is best to get sized with a measuring tape

The fit is essential, as well as the style
A Cowboy will wear it for many a mile

You may think a cowboy hat is not as important as all that,

but you find that is not always an actual or real fact

There are unique types of cowgirl and cowboy hats.

Each to his style, how about that.

The most traditional type of cowboy hat is called the Cattleman.

It features top crown creases slightly curved brim. Sometimes a band

The Brick cowboy hat is a cattleman, a squarer crown with just a slight drop.

A single, rectangular dimple gives the brick a distinctive top.

The Gamblers Worn in old Western films.

the gambler features a flat, slightly bigger brim

The Western Derbies have long and slightly up-curled brims
Not a lot of cowboys got caught wearing them

Pinched Front features a V-shaped crown with two distinctive pinches.

Lifted slightly at the Front, it fits within a quarter inch.

GUS cowboy hats feature high crowns with three deep dimples

The Tom mix, style Ten-Gallon Hat, same as the Gus but was simple.

Stetson popularized open Crown in its early days,

with the open Crown on the Cowboy’s head, it helped stay

No matter what Cowboy hat you choose, in the end

The wearer is a Cowboy, and that is the message it sends

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