Rhythmic Stories January 3, 2021

The Sorghum Mill

On the site of the old hill sets the old sorghum mill
That old standing mill still gives my heart a thrill

The building standing there fills a space
I had forgotten until now of how different a time and place

I can hear my uncles voice if I close my eyes
That Sorghums valuable I consider it a prize

The sorghum would pass down the copper base
It took all day and you had better not race

With a fire underneath and paddles clanking from both sides
As it was cooked and released into the trough, you could see uncles happy eyes

Up early in the morning ready to work it was an all-day affair
You did your work, knew what it was, you always tied up your hair

If the neighborhood mule was loaned out for the day
We could hook up the tractor to the press right away

No time to doddle there was too much work to do
If you worked hard When you got done there would be pancakes aplenty for you

Today we take things for granted we just walk into a store
Pick up a jar of old fashioned sorghum then walk right out the door

The old Sorghum Mill as she sits on the hill
Is Just a walk down the road I can visit it at will

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