Shakespeare once wrote: “Of all flowers,
methinks Rose is best.”
But, still, I think there is a beauty
when rose petals are at rest
The Rose is an elegant, symbolic flower
Standing tall, exuding so much power
there is a reverence for roses;
they take your breath away
Watched by flower lovers in a garden
as they slowly sway
The Rose steals the hearts of those
who glances her way
A place never to be lost;
the Roses memory always stays
The Rose belongs to the family Rosaceae
and the genus Rosa
Aphrodite, a goddess of beauty,
gave her the name, so that story goes
When the roses lose their petals
Sad hearts can become so unsettled
As that Ruby red petal falls to the earth
That’s when it shows the actual value and worth
It breaks down and sends life to the ground
For future generations of Roses to be found
Soon the roses will again bloom and grow
Hearts will be thrilled watching the
rose runway show