Rhythmic Stories October 7, 2020

The Green’s Valley

Down the road from my house in a valley by the woods
Sat an old crumbling house that barely stood

my daddy always told me to stay away from there
the reason why he never really cared to share

so one day I ventured there
I’d probably get a spanking but I didn’t care

Curiosity had gotten the best of me
this time I was going closer to see

the shutters were all hanging here and there
The windows were broken everywhere

there was no front door anymore
I could see an old tattered rug on the floor

a table still standing set for two with
plates and cups

dirty and dusty it looked like
someone had just gotten up

An eerie feeling came over me
And I decided I should flee

So I left in a hurry
because I saw something furry

I quickly headed back home
deciding I had been wrong to roam

I asked my daddy one more time
can you please tell me who lived inside

So he set me down and he told me the story
the woman was Alice her husband was Rory

the Greens had lived there happy and carefree
hoping one day to raise a family

But no children ever came
Day after day their life was the same

they worked hard throughout the years
plowing the dirt fields with sweat, and tears

Alice had a disease and she knew she was dying
but she never gave up she never quit trying

her only request, when the time comes “take my hand”
He promised he would and together they would stand

They found them side by side to each other
Rory and Alice Green their hands clasped together

Roy’s heart gave out in his sleep
After Alice had died he just slumped in a heap

I sat there without saying anything my eyes were red
daddy got up and hugged me and patted my head

and that’s the last thing about the Greens that was ever said

About the house in the Valley where life was lived

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