There was a city park in the next town over
Down south hill about three miles from the Glover’s
In the summer, mother dropped her big brood off
With instructions not to leave the park or Get Lost!
The big slide was where all the action was going on
The swings were always full so you never got one
There was a wooden teeter-totter with a rusty metal bar
The up and down sound was comforting by far
Above all other things, I loved to see
The beautiful towering old Oaktree
I have many photos of us all bunched together
In front of that towering Oak, we Once treasured
At times I watched my mom pull up and park in a spot
She would quietly sit and watch until it got too hot
She would wave her hand and motion us to the car
The last to get in was my sister Marilyn Star
I loved the days’ mama made her grocery rounds
The city park was a fun diversion from our hillside grounds