An acrid smell
Permeates the air
He stands errect
as the wind whips his hair
On the tongue, a taste of salt
The clouds in the sky now
a stormy cobalt
A massive stormy event ahead
Distance and size unsure,
you experience dread
A tear in the Material Plane is seen
Water violently, pours
into the sea of green
Sailing into the wind hurriedly tacking
Crews working slapping muscles
no slacking
The wind is running
away with the ship
gale winds pick up,
No time to slip
The choppy seas,
demand a good struggle
The captains orders seem a juggle
Navigating orders yelled
As the captain watches
the ocean swells
The shore is now in sight
His crew put up a fight
Seafaring is your whole life
winds and rains and hurricane fights
Clear skies and favorable winds
No doldrums that burn within
Through shallow reefs or rocks
Still no ticking time clocks
The sailors friends are just a few
Boatswain and Able seaman,
His small deck crew
Mooring lines and operating deck lines
Takes strength of will and perfect time
It’s The seafaring life for him
His love Of the sea Is no whim