In your heart, it’s unsettled
Your emotions all nettled
Not even sure how you feel about life
Covid 19 has created so much strife
You made it this far you can rise above
You need to somehow muster up love
Many words about love constantly are spoken
All too often, those words get broken
You can sit around and feel sorry for yourself
At the expense of all others you’ve put on a shelf
If you want help or empathy
It’s ok to get a little from me
Don’t get too absorbed in your unhappiness
As everything around you becomes a big mess
Mentally strong people meet grief head-on
They send self-pity packing and let it stay gone
Would you please take out the two lettered word ME
You’ll find that’s when self-pity ceases to be
You have the choice to hang on or let go
the answer may be some gratitude needs shown