I hear the distant caws from the circling black crows
Unmoved by their sounds squirrels continue mining gold
Working hard to mine and store until wintertime unfolds
The old hoot owl with its lonesome sound stills the night
Miss June bug listens only second then continues on in flight
Old mama Robin is as busy as she can be
Gathering hay and muddling her nest ready for new babies
The vocals of the songbirds sound so very near
Playing a medley of their tunes for all those near to hear
Nature’s a buzz all around for everyone to hear
None of them anxious, none showing fear
They talk back and forth though I don’t understand
A word they are saying but their language is grand
When God designed nature he began the story
He alone deserves all praise and glory
If we look hard to see past life’s troubles and strife
The stories is on display everyday ..it’s called life