There’s a story I’ve hesitated to tell above others
Because of the appeared reflection, it had on my sweet mother
She had nothing to do with the chain of events that day
Blame always gets clouded somewhere along the way
It was a calm beautiful sunny afternoon
Probably the latter part of June
My dad had been working on our house for awhile
Every once in a while he’d look our way and smile
The kitchen window was open you could hear mom tell him
Please be sure to put up your tools where the kids can’t get them
He walked to the back of the house to take something back there
We were busy playing so we weren’t curious enough to care
There were five of us sitting in circles playing with pop bottles
Except for little Jeffy who was still a little toddler
After a while, I saw Robin coming from the back of the house
I didn’t see her even get up she had been quiet as a mouse
She was holding up a container that was half full of orange Kool-Aid
I wondered where she had gotten it from, it didn’t look like what mama made
She began passing it around filling pop bottles halfway up
I was the last and there wasn’t much left for my pop bottle cup
As my little brothers began to drink the orange delight
From the smell, I knew immediately something wasn’t right
Danny and Joel, we’re coughing and gagging
Robin was pale and to the ground started sagging
I ran screaming to mama that they were dying all over the place
She hit the ground running when she saw them she went white-faced
She grabbed us all up and raced to town in the car
The long eight miles to town never seemed so far
Dr. Saddoris pumped four little stomaches one after the other
I couldn’t help but feel bad for our dear distraught mother
But even more sorry than for my mama I felt for my dad
when he came home through the door it was going to be bad
To this day I cannot drink Orange drinks a/k/a paint thinner
The day I didn’t drink my orange Kool-Aid, I was the only winner
Wow how awful. I bet God and your mom saved you all that day.