There was a time and place many moons ago
When in youth, we traveled down a country road
Across the pasture on old docs’ land
Dirty-faced children with cousins, we would band
Youth on our side was all we would need
Our imagination we could easily feed
Bare feet kicking up the dusty ground
Trying to keep up with Moustache, our hound
Nothing could prepare us for the vision we would find
Nothing could erase that memory from our mind
Red and gold headdresses waving from the field
Beckoning to us children, sit and rest your heels
The green grass and towering trees that languished from behind
It was a masterpiece; nowhere else on earth you could ever find
At the end of our journey, we would take for our mother
fiery Indian paints she would value above all others
“OH,” Indian Paints, she would excitedly say
We Have never forgotten those magical days