I saw it from the blackjack tree
My big sister is getting her spanking just
before me
I shimmied up that tall blackjack
Thinking I was off my daddy’s pain track
I will admit all three sisters were guilty
Of the crime
We were too busy at the creek
having a good time
When daddy came home and saw our mother
Trying to catch her breath
From chasing after kids all day and playing
Family fetch
The question, where are the girls?
Hung there in the air
The boys spoke up and said,
we can tell you where
He was sitting in his favorite chair when we walked through the door
We didn’t have to say a thing
we knew what we were in for
That’s why I’m sitting in the blackjack tree
waiting it out to see,
if he forgets me or sits there, I guess I’ll wait and see
What a memory!! Love it