Some extraordinary sounds can be in the quietest of places. My favorite part of the day is listening to the morning conversation that nature brings into the world. They are never absent or delinquent. They routinely perform unbeknownst to each other, that they are harmonizing as if in a concert auditorium. The countryside is where their natural acoustics serve them best. They are an architectural wonder in their activities. I have tried to bottle a few of those sounds by capturing their works in a rhythmic style.

picture by James
Shouts in the air
Children running here and there
Lightning bugs flying by
I try to catch him he’s too high
The sound of laughter fills my ear
As I think back to my younger years
My senses filled up to the rim
Childhood memories safe within
Lightning bugs flying by
The backdrop of a starlit sky
I catch one in a mason jar
It’s shining bright like the stars