Mother when did you have private moments
Your life must have been an endless daily event
Fourteen active children running under your feet
As your making meals and yummy treats for us to eat
I never woke before you, you were always the first to rise
We slowly trailed each other out of bed, wiping sleepy eyes
Pots and pans clanging in the kitchen hurrying to get done
Your first chore of the day was to get us fed, every one
Then Out the door, we would go to play in the country air
We never gave it a second thought or even a hint of care
you were stuck in the Kitchen cleaning up and planning on Lunch and Diner now
Not having much groceries to choose from, you made it delicious somehow
When did you have private moments, as most mothers did
They sat and talked on the party line or got a sitter for their kids
Mother, it’s a shame as children we didn’t understand
What a sacrifice you made for us with your loving hands
Your solitude could be measured in moments as I now think of you
with pencil and paper in hand, that’s when you stole a few
That must have been your private moments, with distractions all around
You sat and furiously wrote and weren’t disturbed, as if you heard no sound
You set a pattern for all mothers, Maybe you didn’t even know
You stole your private moments in front of us, you just didn’t put on a show

I’m sure that Mom never regretted her busy, busy life. this one touched my heart. thank you dearly.