Rhythmic Stories February 1, 2021

Country Graffiti

Frog Rock thru the years

Do you ever notice how people say back in the day
when they want you to remember life was a certain way

young people claim graffiti as their own
but they couldn’t be any more wrong

back in the day, we had a small gang
All of us just used to get together and hang

We played at the side of the road on giant rock Boulders
scattered at the side of the road but a little off to the shoulder

the rocks were different sizes and shapes
we practiced our gymnastic skills like baby apes

while we were playing one day, one of the kids’ mother
I’m not sure which one it was one or the other

said that rock has the shape of a dog
and that one could be A great big frog

so she gave her head a shake and said she had an idea
We continued to play happily as could be with cheer

She left and returned with a bucket of green paint
all we could do was sit back and wait

to see what this graffiti mom was trying to do
when she was done she just said I’m almost thru

She left and returned with 2 car hubcaps
She fastened them on the rock and stepped back

we stood back mouths wide open a little bit in shock
As she unveiled what today is known as Frog Rock

you just can’t even imagine our joy and surprise
If you don’t believe me, go do a drive-by

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