Billie Joyce
Billye Joyce Payne Second Grade
A week before the explosion, my mom packed our meager belongings, and we moved in with grandma and grandpa Payne. Grandma had taken ill, and my mother wanted me close by for them. I had to start riding the bus to and from school. I hated leaving James, but I had no choice.
Daddy was going on the following Monday to a well site about five hours away. I sure missed my dad. It was a season of missing daddies. They had to take whatever work they could get. Every generation has its crisis. Ours was abject poverty. Daddy left early Monday morning, and even though I had a bad headache, I waited for the bus and went to school. It would be a short school week.
I was excited to see James. He looked sadder than usual. I think he missed me. I liked the bus driver. I think he knew I was scared. He let me sit right behind him. I could barely pay attention in class. My eyes burned, and my head hurt. I went to bed early that night. Mama would not let me stay home on Wednesday even though I still did not feel well. You only have one day, and then you are out for three days.
I felt better on Thursday and was excited to tell James about a baby kitten I had found my grandparents said I could keep. So maybe we could play over the weekend just like before.