Caught Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Meaning: Trapped/caught between significant difficulties.
Origin: This phrase means saying someone is in a predicament or a dangerous place with no easy way out. An expression believed to have its source in the historical nautical practice of sealing the seams between a ship’s wooden planks with hot tar. In this context, the devil is the name given to the ship’s longest seam, typically the most prone to leaking.
Blue sea. It is the color of the ocean and the sky; it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. It can be a calming color and indicate reliability.
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
Wrestling with anxiety, I need to be set free
I’m hemmed in, surrounded, with no way out in sight
It looks like I’m in for some pretty tough, long fights
Life’s troubles crept slowly undetected
For awhile
Bringing an ugly scowl to my face
Replacing my usual smile
Life’s happy moments can unravel pretty quick
Turn your world upside down by playing dirty tricks
So, tread lightly and watch your back
Don’t let the devil get you off track
When you get caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
You better figure it out on your own, don’t bother
calling me