Lady Sunflower
Your Design is Mathematical and your Beaty is Magical Your name means turn with the sunwhen fully grown, you amaze everyone beautiful yellow petals and fuzzy brown centersyou soak up the summer but...
Fall Arrives
The stars are shining brightA soft glow of the mooncast shadows into the night summer reaches its endthe fall is ready to begin falls my favorite time of yearI always stop and stare...
The Plains Buffalo
The Indians would see and hear them from the hill where they would stand. The mighty Buffalo, the gentle giants on the grasslands You could see and hear the sound on the ground....
Nature’s Voice
I hear the distant caws from the circling black crowsUnmoved by their sounds squirrels continue mining goldWorking hard to mine and store until wintertime unfolds The old hoot owl with its lonesome sound...
White Swan
The tundra swan so I am toldIs the largest of the water birds So beautiful she is in the water and airCauses passerby’s to stop and stare She’s aquatic with webs between three...
Let’s go campingground stamping to the mountainsspouting water fountains Hot dogs by the fireKids play till they tire camper moves alongkids inside sing song summer vacationfamily recreation a time to rememberFor all family...