Leaving The Nest
When the Nest Is Empty A metal airplane sits on a stand right by his bed It was always the last thing he saw when he rested his small head Beside it sits...
Springs Ballet
It was a hard winter she survivedHoping, desiring for spring to arrive She practiced while the wind was blowingPirouettes, basic but beautiful turns flowing In her company a sea of bright pink sistersDancing,...
Before the last leaf begins to fall When the colors seem to reach ten feet tall Cascading like an artist palette Unending hours I could frequently visit Watching endless colors and hues Reflecting...
Prairie Dancer
As your riding past miles and miles of open land Be sure to take the time to catch the Prairie grand Keep your eyes wide open, you just might catch a glimpse Liquid...
The Fairy Wren
One of the things Australians delight in Is the beautiful male bird called the fairy-wren The splendid fairywren is a passerine bird in the Australasian wren family, Muluridae It is also known simply...
Bobbin Robin’S
They’re here! They’re here! My Bobbing Robins to bring some cheer I hear their noisy chirping at the window I rush out before they fly and go Their songs turn darkness into light...
Night Write
Early in the morning, not quite the night When everyone’s still sleeping tucked in tight There’s only the sound tick-tock tick-tock In the kitchen, as it echoes from a clock I listen for...
HELICONIA (Lobster Claw)
Under the colorful canopy of the Heliconia Lives a family of seven little green frogs sitting as they own her Heliconias are called Lobster claw plants Just look at her stems, you’ll figure...