Paddling a light, narrowboatKneeling paddlers keeping afloat Pointed on both ends, open on topKeep Paddling, Paddling, don’t stop As a Cool water spray hits your faceKeep...
Continue reading...Nature
Seasons Changing
Seasons are changing Colors rearranging Greens of summer passing by Orange and yellows now say hi Where did summer go Quickly the days did flow Falls...
Continue reading...Lightning Bugs in a Mason Jar
Some extraordinary sounds can be in the quietest of places. My favorite part of the day is listening to the morning conversation that nature brings into...
Continue reading...Squirrels Racing
New baby squirrels running chasingpopping out from behind trees, racing round and roundthey are up then down scattering acorns on the groundof mother squirrels newly found...
Continue reading...Elephants
Elephant Elephants are the largest land animals; there are there the heaviest animal by far wide flat ears and a very long trunk they like to...
Continue reading...Songbirds
Listen to the songbirddistinctive songs heard giving melodious callswarning other birds from all songbirds work togetherhave no prejudice feathers variety the more, the bettercolorful heads don’t...
Continue reading...Watching Flowers
I spied the flowers from the roadWhat caught my eye was the gold Yellow sunshine in a fieldIn their centers, chocolate filled Black-eyed Susan is their...
Continue reading...Cheerio
American Robins pair-bond during the breeding seasonFemales are primarily responsible for building the nest who knows the reason She starts by building the nest made of...
Continue reading...Strawberries
There is no match To the strawberry patch The sweet smell of a strawberry Much more than an apple or cherry Mama’s famous jams or jelly...
Continue reading...Apple Orchards
The world is a better place with apple orchards. A place where nature’s creatures all work in accord The sounds are magical and can transform you....
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