I was sitting in the golf cart with Noah one afternoon, and we were watching Papa and Noah’s dad golfing. Out of the blue, Noah looked over at an area behind the course where he, Katy, and James disappeared to play.
They referred to it as their mud Pit. When it would rain, it would be a little lake of mud. I always would say, Stay out of that mud. They consistently tracked a path of mud to the door about an hour or two later, and of course, they were a muddy mess.
While we were sitting in the golf cart, Noah got a sad look and said, ” Grandma, I miss when James and me and Katy came to your house, and we got to sneak off to the mud pit.
That mud pit was the most fun thing we ever did together. Remember when we would show up covered in mud. We would have the best mud fights. I sure miss those days.
Even though I always had a muddy mess, the look on their faces was worth it. Noah said yeah, those were the good old days.
Three little children One girl and
two older boys
Begging Grandma to hurry up
Where are all the toys?
On this day
Grandma would say
Go outside get some sunshine
And play
They complained it’s still wet
from yesterday’s rain
Please get outside. You are
driving me insane
Just stay out of the puddle of
muddy dirt
For a day, put your tablets away
It won’t hurt
I think I knew what they
would do
When they spotted the mud,
they flew
When they returned,
I did not recognize
Covered in mud From their
toes to their eyes
I looked at them and
just laughed
Stripped them down and
gave each a bath
The memory of that day
seeing them standing there
Three happy faces
without any cares
It meant as much to them
as it did to me
Just a grandma and her
grandchildren, three