I will not cry, I will not crumble
Years rolled past. Life gives us tumbles
Youth on our side, but we never realized
The Life that we lived was the best prize
Rushing through dishes, then to Friday night dates
Headed to West Buffalo Road to pull on roller skates
You could hear the music blaring a mile away
Country air. No neighbors there; Talley lets it play
Like a proud peacock, you showed your true colors
You Mesmerized many but annoyed most others
Funny how even a sad memory brings a smile
As Life marched on, now separated by miles
The drive-in movies created a frenzy of anticipation
Loading and setting the reels, you were always at your station
Something so straightforward and yet complex as a smile
It made me sit and think of you in my memory for awhile
A Special Moment in my Life, our paths crossed; it was brief
Even though the years moved on, your passing caused me grief
I will think of you and smile inside on this sad day
The girl that stole your heart, keeping all others at bay
Your girl Was Your 56 Chevy, all shiny black and white,
That girl that stole your heart drove all others out of sight