Promises Fulfilled
God has a plan to restore us all From the downward fall, Adam caused you’ll recall A kingdom that shines as bright as the sun Soon perfect health and food for everyone The...
Down a Country Road
I can’t recall A more beautiful fall A palet of colors Accents each other The fanning of leaves Free-falling from trees The horizon is a dusty hill An Emptiness in my heart it...
Fire on the Hillside
Fire on the hillsideYour beautiful I must confide Your not the kind of fire that burnsWhen I look upon you my heart yearns When I see your blazing sightReddish gold embers burning bright...
The Beauty of a Rose
a rose fully open is different from the rose in the budthe scent changes as the buds unfold as it should Warm, humid weather intensifies the fragrance of the 🌹perfume is at its...
Grandads Swing
The M I M O S A When she blooms She’s elegant but her smell is her claim to fameThe tree of happiness is just one of its Chinese common names During my...
Colors of Fall
When the wind comes up leaves shake and pranceBlowing this way and that, doing a colorful dance Each leaf different from the otherCreating a beautiful rainbow of colors But their beauty won’t last...
A Windy October day
On a windy October dayI was almost blown away But the oak tree nearbyCaught my eye, and I sighed I hugged it real tightThe wind was a frightI hung on to the Oak...
Wildflowers TICKSEED🌼I picked a lot of flowers when I was a small childyou could find them everywhere because they grew wild they were as simple looking as they could beuntil you saw them...