Squirrels at Play
(Squirrels playing around the Oaktree The first thing this morning that’s what I see The snow didn’t keep them inside today They were anxious to get out and play Digging down deep in...
Bird Watching
There’s not a more beautiful sight in the soft blue sky Then a flock of birds as they fly way up high A tiny life with two small sturdy wings Who-can put in...
How many hours have been spent looking at a majestic sunset I doubt very seriously that’s been calculated yet there’s something all inspiring to the eye When the sun catches the particles in...
NOT My Baby
Harpy eagles mate for lifeThe female lays two eggs of white a large stick nest up high in the treeand together they raise one bird chicky After the first chick hatches if you...
The Amaryllis has two species not the sameIt is a small genus of flowering bulb called by several names She is sold in winter months, related distantly to the Lillyshe grows indoors and...
Climbing Trees
All kids love to climb up treesIt’s not just an activity for the bees What can you spy, from way up highOn a limb in the Oaktree I can see everything from up...
Red Cardinal in Winter
Red cardinal Cardinals are monogamous birds whose relationships are harmonious and romantic with musical quips The male and female sing duets to one another calling similar songs out to each other Both male...
Wildflowers on a Hill
I love to gowhere the wildflowers grow Where beauty aboundsColor covers the ground A simple mixture of seedsAt first look like weeds They start out being blandWhen in full bloom, oh, how grand...
Mrs. Robin
American Robins pair-bond during the breeding seasonFemales are primarily responsible for building the nest who knows the reason She starts by building the nest that is made of twigs, mud, and dry grass...