Looking for Peace
There is a promise of peace like a river promised by our God the greatest giver A land flowing with milk and honey Where you don’t need to pay any money From the foundation to the roof by your hands will be A house you build and it yours free Animals...
Wait and See
My mom would often make the statement wait and see She would never make a promise that she might not be able to keep She was a woman of her word, but circumstances could change So instead of making a promise, the words wait and see, didn’t seem strange Wait and...
The Amaryllis has two species not the sameIt is a small genus of flowering bulb called by several names She is sold in winter months, related distantly to the Lillyshe grows indoors and flowers even though outside it’s chilly known as belladonna lily, Jersey lily, or naked ladyWhatever you want to...
Down a Dusty Mile
Traveling down a dusty mileMouth closed but the edges show a smile She knows what treasures the dusty road holdsHer feet know the way she could travel with a blindfold The air is crisp as she inhales deepThe scent of honeysuckle her memory will keep The sound to her right is...
Climbing Trees
All kids love to climb up treesIt’s not just an activity for the bees What can you spy, from way up highOn a limb in the Oaktree I can see everything from up herebut no one can see me Climbing like monkeyson the branches up there Jumping from limb to limbwithout...
The Sorghum Mill
On the site of the old hill sets the old sorghum millThat old standing mill still gives my heart a thrill The building standing there fills a spaceI had forgotten until now of how different a time and place I can hear my uncles voice if I close my eyesThat Sorghums...
Mamas Arms
When mama wraps her arms around you You feel her comfort through and through It’s a protective gesture on her part It comes so naturally from her heart Mamas know that children need her okay While they are near and while they are at play The Mothers touch as she pats...
Pea Picking
Grandma would arrive at pea picking time every yearTo give my mama a hand with the canning she made clear She gave all of us a job to do and checking out the pea patch was given to meShe told me to hop to it, get down the hill and check...