Bullfrog Serenade
Bullfrogs Serenade I heard the voice of a bullfrogas I approached, he jumped on a log a funny, deep tuba soundwater amplified his croak...
Butterfly High
I will take butterflies and flowersOver mansions and high towers Open fields where wildflowers growA tiny little garden I can hoe The sounds of...
Tree Talkers
The treetops are alive with singing up highThe Gathering Blackbird’s readying to fly The branches shake rapidly aboutHeavy with blackbirds in sync, a shout...
King of the Rock
In the background of a lot of our old pictures Was this a massive rock? It was a permanent fixture It brought childhood memories...
Duke It Out
some days in our summers away from schoolas children, there were times we would act the fool I remember my mama would always sayyou...
Grandads Botanical Garden
It’s funny the memories I thought carefully tucked away came to life for a few brief moments on a quietRainy day A faint glimmer...